Acupuncture - Functional Medicine - Facial Rejuvenation - Pain Relief
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 Eliminate Your Chronic Pain in Albuquerque and Grants NM with Frequency Specific Electro-Acupuncture



(505) 363-1428

to book an appointment or see if FSEA can work for you.

Frequency Specific Electro-Acupuncture


Frequency Specific Electro-Acupuncture (FSEA) is a more advanced form of Acupuncture that can get predictable, effective results for most any type of pain or injury.

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Frequency Specific Electro-Acupuncture (FSEA) involves two types of currents: Milliamp (mA) and Microcurrent (uA)


Studies show that when Milliamp Electricity is applied to the body at specific frequencies it produces the following results

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Increase local blood flow to damaged areas to nourish and heal compromised tissue.

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Break up scar tissue and allow new functional tissue to grow back in its place.

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Stimulate endogenous opiates to reduce pain and enhance mood during the healing process.


Research shows that when Microcurrent is applied to tissues at specific frequencies it can produce the following results

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Increase Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) in the cells by 500%. ATP is cellular energy that fuels every function in the body and speeds up healing as well as increases performance.

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Ramp up production of collagen and elastin, proteins that support the structure of our bodies and keep us healthy and strong.

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Rejuvenate tissue to make it healthier and more functional.

When these frequency specific currents are applied to acupuncture needles, we are able to deliver it exactly to the site of the injured tissue, and thereby target the area that needs it. You cannot get this specific targeting with simply using pads or probes on the surface of the skin.

You won’t ever get this kind of focused attention with Community Acupuncture where needles are usually not even placed at the site of the injury.

Acupuncture alone cannot produce these healing results.

With FSEA my patients need far less treatment sessions, get much better results and in the end spend less money to get these amazing results
— Dr. Bennett

All this means quicker healing, faster results and a better functional body that is pain free.

Dr. Bennett is an expert in the field of FSEA and has helped hundreds of patients become pain free.

As a professor, he teaches this unique, effective procedure to students of Oriental Medicine at Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe.


Insurances We Accept

VA Community Care

Auto Accident Insurance

Presbyterian Health Insurance

Presbyterian Medicare Senior Plan

True Health New Mexico

New Mexico Health Connections

Cigna United Healthcare

Blue Cross Blue Shield – PPO*

Atena – PPO*

We provide superbills for reimbursement from the following PPO* plans.

Ready to get Started?

Book a free health evaluation!

We’ve already helped so many people!


(505) 363-1428

Or call to speak with one of our practitioners to see if FSEA can work for you!

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Dr. Steven E. Bennett, M.S.O.M., D.O.M., Dipl. O.M., Associate Professor SWAC

Steven Bennett is a licensed doctor and professor of Oriental Medicine in the state of New Mexico. He received his Master of Science in Oriental Medicine from the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in 2004. Since 2005 he has provided pain relief and constitutional treatments in Albuquerque NM, where he maintains an Oriental medical practice.

Dr. Bennett is a leader in the field of Electro-acupuncture (EA). He originally studied EA with Dr. Darren Starwynn in 2006. Over the years Dr. Bennett has developed treatment protocols and utilizes the latest technology to deliver predictable, effective treatments to his patients. Steven specializes in Chinese pulse diagnosis and in developing customized herbal formulas for his patients. He has studied extensively with Dr. Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang learning the Pulsynergy technique.

Steven began his medical career in 1986 as a medic in the Army, where he was awarded the Expert Field Medical Badge. After the Army he studied Biology and developed a deep interest in Ethnobotany, which led him to appreciate Chinese herbology. Steven completed an apprenticeship in 1998 in Shiatsu massage therapy before going on to study Oriental medicine.

Dr. Bennett currently donates his time to the Veteran Stress Relief Clinic with the Sacred Spring Reiki Collective, a pilot program to observe the effects of combining Reiki and acupuncture to treat veterans and their family who suffer from PTSD. He has worked with a number organizations such as Healthcare for the Homeless, where he was the attending Acupuncturist at Casa los Arboles, a residential recovery program for homeless men and the Sandoval County Stars Program, a multiple DWI offender treatment and recovery program.

Dr. Bennett shares his expertise with prospective doctors of Oriental medicine at Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe as a professor, where he teaches classes and leads clinics in both Electro-acupuncture and Chinese herbal prescriptions. Dr. Bennett has a continued passion in botanical medicine and enjoys hiking in the mountains and deserts of the Southwest to locate and identify medicinal plants and wild edible mushrooms.

Utilizing Frequency Specific Electro Acupuncture (FSEA), we have found success with many different health conditions. Here are a few:

Back Pain

Neck Pain


Low Back Pain




Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome TMJ

Seasonal Allergies

Macular Degeneration MD



Shoulder Pain

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Tennis Elbow

Golf Elbow


Herniated Disc

Hip Pain

Uterine Fibroids


Knee Pain

Plantar Fasciitis